Greta Thunberg’s “A Year to Change the World” on PBS through BBC was worth watching, according to Brinlee (2021). Greta believes it is her moral duty as a human being to do everything she can to help the world understand about the urgency of climate change.
Years earlier from her home in Sweden, Thunberg had no idea, when she began skipping school to strike for climate change awareness, that she would spark a huge global climate change movement.
Now, the 21-year-old states that, "There are people everywhere, screaming in protest. It’s quite exhausting, especially when you have Asperger’s.” Greta, the youthful face of global climate change, shared that she was diagnosed with autism, as an adolescent.
Because of her autism, Fletcher (2021) states that Thunberg found regular school ‘overstimulating’ so she switched to a special school with a 5-student classroom. Then after her school strikes became so successful, she took a year off to begin a more extensive climate change campaign. But, her international travel would be cut short with the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic.
While hoping to inspire people everywhere, DeSantis (2019) says that Greta found that many people were still listening to her words of determination. In spite of, or perhaps because of her Asperger’s, the passion and unending focus on her mission grew. She felt that it was to her advantage having the ability to ‘think outside the box’. And while viewing the world in ‘stark terms’, to be swept away by focusing on a global pattern was to her benefit.
Acknowledging that Greta Thunberg considers her Asperger’s may make her look at things differently, but it’s okay, because she considers that her ‘superpower’.
< My Thoughts > “…considers that her ‘superpower’.”
Wielding her ‘superpower’, Greta has been known to ask “Where are the adults?” I’m not certain what she means by that, but as adults go about their daily lives, it seems that they might want to consider their children and the future global world they will inherit.
Brinlee, M. (2021). Greta Thunberg On Attending Protests with Asperger’s: “It’s Quite Exhausting”; Retrieved online from –
DeSantis, R. (2019). Now the Youngest ‘TIME’ Person of the Year: Destroys Asperger’s Stigma; Retrieved online from – -interest/how- greta-thunberg-destroys-aspergers-stigma/
Fletcher, H. (2019). Climate Change Marches are Hard with Asperger’s Syndrome; Retrieved online from –