About Us
My teaching career began late in life, when most people can see retirement on the horizon. My first teaching assignment was in a public school for children with severe and profound disabilities. Looking back I realize that along with Sonny, many of these children were on the autism spectrum. Autism was well-known in Europe at that time, but not in the United States.
It was there that I met 7-year-old Sonny. He was a ward of the state. After making several home visits to the ‘state cottage’ where he lived, my husband and I started the process to take him for outings, eventually becoming his foster parents, and ultimately his adoptive parents. He was my need to understand autism; thus, resulting the website, www.sarasautismsite.com, and this material. Just to let you know that I, Sara Luker, have put forth my best efforts in presenting what I have learned about autism, and sharing the stories of those who have gone before us.
Hearing the words “this child has autism,” parents are often shell-shocked. Then, in the face of so many more questions racing through their minds, the doctor says, “Just go online and read everything you can about autism.” Yes, disturbingly this kind of professional advice is given to too many of our families. Hopefully, this material will give you a good start.
On the website, you will find excerpts containing a combination of selections, synopses, general information prose, quotes and references to peer-reviewed articles. Plus < My Thoughts >, which are my responses to the material; as a state certified educator with a 2013 Master’s Degree in Special Education, and over 30 years as Sonny’s mom. Understand that all health matters ALWAYS require medical decisions/diagnosis/treatment by highly qualified and licensed individuals. See website DISCLAIMER (below).
Sara Luker
The content of this website material, Know Autism – Know Your Child: With < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker; 2024 in digital or in any other form does not represent medical advice; nor does it constitute medical suggestions in any way. The material, including any downloadable parts, is for informational and/or educational purposes only. Your download and/or use of any of this material indicates your acceptance of this disclaimer.
With 30 years as Sonny’s mom, as an educator with a current State Teaching License (ending 2023), and a 2011 Master’s Degree in Special Education, this author shares her personal study, opinions, and experiences concerning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and related topics. The author’s mention of products, services, treatments, and interventions are not to be considered an endorsement, thereof. Nor does the author represent that any described products, services, treatments, and/or interventions expect to ‘cure’, or have any ‘long-term’ positive effect on a disorder or disease.
Furthermore, understand and agree that this material is not intended as a substitute for consultations with licensed healthcare professionals. Nothing in this material is expected to diagnose, treat, imply cure, or prevent any condition, disorder, or disease. Any errors or omissions in the available subject matter, Units, Chapters, References, Charts, Tables, Appendices, LINKS, and/or other downloadable or non-downloadable materials are unintentional. Revisions in the material may be subject to change without notice.