UNIT 7 – 8 CAMs Section 8
PART 5 –
9. hyperbaric oxygen therapy 10. immunoglobulin infusions
NOTE: PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Many Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAMs) treatments are still very controversial and may even be dangerous. Before starting any treatment program, investigate thoroughly, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS talk to your child’s primary physician first.
(NOTE: ‘Intervention’ disclaimer is also provided in introduction to INTERVENTIONS, and in OTHER THERAPIES)
PART 5 –
9. hyperbaric oxygen therapy 10. immunoglobulin infusions
NOTE: PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Many Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAMs) treatments are still very controversial and may even be dangerous. Before starting any treatment program, investigate thoroughly, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS talk to your child’s primary physician first.
(NOTE: ‘Intervention’ disclaimer is also provided in introduction to INTERVENTIONS, and in OTHER THERAPIES)
Hyperbaric chamber photo
9. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the term for providing oxygen to a patient at concentrations greater than ambient air (21% oxygen under increased pressure). According to the authors Bent, et al. (2012) HBOT increases the oxygen content of plasma and body tissues. The clinical study that they considered in the study, was looking for a significant Improvement over a 20-week period, for 16 children with ASD, receiving this treatment. They videotaped the children in play sessions before, during, and after 80 HBOT sessions. Although there were some improvements in blood plasma levels, they “found no improvements in a large number of core autism behaviors.”
Despite the claims that HBOT can cure a number of disorders from diabetes to autism, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has NOT cleared or approved it. What it has been approved for are some cases of decompression sickness suffered by divers; often known as ‘the bends’. In fact, according to the FDA website (www.fda.gov/), they have received 27 HBOT complaints about fraudulent health claims, over the past three years.
< My Thoughts > “…core autism behaviors.”
‘Core autism behaviors’ are universally considered to be problems with social/communication interaction; restricted/repetitive behavior/interests; which impact learning. These ‘behaviors’ vary in their symptoms and severity; thus, appearing as a ‘spectrum’ of behaviors.
As well as creating a practice or program, the principal must meet all qualifying professional standards, certification, and licensing. It’s up to you to find out if they do.
9. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the term for providing oxygen to a patient at concentrations greater than ambient air (21% oxygen under increased pressure). According to the authors Bent, et al. (2012) HBOT increases the oxygen content of plasma and body tissues. The clinical study that they considered in the study, was looking for a significant Improvement over a 20-week period, for 16 children with ASD, receiving this treatment. They videotaped the children in play sessions before, during, and after 80 HBOT sessions. Although there were some improvements in blood plasma levels, they “found no improvements in a large number of core autism behaviors.”
Despite the claims that HBOT can cure a number of disorders from diabetes to autism, the U. S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has NOT cleared or approved it. What it has been approved for are some cases of decompression sickness suffered by divers; often known as ‘the bends’. In fact, according to the FDA website (www.fda.gov/), they have received 27 HBOT complaints about fraudulent health claims, over the past three years.
< My Thoughts > “…core autism behaviors.”
‘Core autism behaviors’ are universally considered to be problems with social/communication interaction; restricted/repetitive behavior/interests; which impact learning. These ‘behaviors’ vary in their symptoms and severity; thus, appearing as a ‘spectrum’ of behaviors.
As well as creating a practice or program, the principal must meet all qualifying professional standards, certification, and licensing. It’s up to you to find out if they do.
10. Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy
Website https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/food-and-drug-administration provides a full manufacture list, with brand information and indicators for which conditions Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy is used. The condition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) did NOT appear on the list.
According to DelGiudice-Asch, et al. (1999) ‘immunoglobulin’
is the part of your blood’s plasma which has antibodies to fight germs or disease. It has been used to treat multiple sclerosis and recurrent epilepsy. Because the ASD disorder shares features of autoimmune disease, it has been hypothesized that it could work for Autism.
In a 1996 study, 10 Autistic children received 6 months of immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment and a marked improvement in communication and autistic behaviors was reported. However, in another 6-month trial of IVIG, NO changes in the subject’s educational or medical treatment were seen. Authors say that since autism is a lifelong disorder, further systematic research on all therapeutic interventions is needed.
< My Thoughts > “…immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment…”
An immunoglobulin test is said to show whether or not there is a problem with the immune system. Homeopathic care practitioners are among the clinicians who prescribe IVIG treatments and have claims of boosting the immune system through their various treatments. However, these are NOT usually recommended for pediatric patients, and may cause dangerous side-effects for which the young patient is unaware.
Fallows (2014) said that she had just finished reading a book on treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, when a three-year-old-boy with autism was presented at her Homeopathic clinic.
Martin’s mother Kate, asked if we could treat her son’s overall wellbeing with homoeopathic medicine. “He is extremely sensitive to noise. He’s had a runny nose for two months, and several rounds of antibiotics,” his mom said. Martin sat in her lap, his eyes rolling upward. Flapping his hands and tilting his head to one side, he didn’t speak, but seemed cranky when emitting irritable murmuring, and grunting sounds.
Armed with enthusiasm, insight and encouragement from my recent reading, we began homoeopathic treatment at our clinic. Although, still in progress, our management has greatly improved his muscle strength, and there have been reductions in his repetitive and ritualistic behaviors.
WebMD Reviewer Ratini (2019) wants you to know that homeopathic medicines can contain large amounts of heavy metals; which can be dangerous.
Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice this use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these elements stimulate the healing process.
NCCIH Staff Writer (2020) states that there is no uniform prescribing standard for homeopathic practitioners. Saying that there are hundreds of different homeopathic remedies, which can be prescribed in a variety of different dilutions for thousands of symptom types.
Thom, et al. (2019) tell us that immune dysregulation is shared with mechanisms that drive both the behavioral and physical illnesses associated with autism. Currently there are NO studies proving a connection between immune dysregulation and disorders of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Such as the prevalence of ear infections, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and their connection with anxiety and sensory over-responsivity, chronic constipation and/or diarrhea. These negative results are often underreported, due to the child’s difficulty with expressive language. Immune dysregulation is usually treated with medications for the individual symptoms. There is NO evidence of any treatment which reduces the progression of a disease, NOR improves overall health or quality of life.
< My Thoughts > “…progression of a disease…”
Autism is NOT considered to be a ‘disease’, but a debilitating condition.
Rossignol & Frye (2012) reviewed the abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder, such as Immune dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction & environmental toxicant exposures. They found that although there has been a strong interest in this area, it may be an overestimation of this association between immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment and an improvement in autism symptoms.
They also reviewed trends in physiological abnormalities, potentially related to ASD. These Bacteriotherapy & Immune Dysregulation trends were –
Authors claim that the information in the study, may be bias in this area, and could have led to overestimation of this association. But they also believe that it may provide insight into processes contributing to ASD and other psychiatric disorders.
Hinds (2014) asks – How harmful would it be to make an appointment to see someone known in ‘autism’ circles as miracle worker? That call to Dr. Goldberg’s office changed Ryan’s life forever. Also, luck and timing were very much a part of our son’s recovery.
Doctor Goldberg told us on that first visit what I already knew to be true. Ryan didn’t really have autism, even though it sure looked like it. I didn’t understand what Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (NIDS) meant back then. I didn’t care. I had HOPE! My kid was sick and there was hope that he could get better. Finally, I found someone who not only wanted to help Ryan, but also had a way to do it. And he didn’t think I was crazy – at least not yet.
It was the NIDS approach combined with intensive rehabilitation that helped my son recover from autism. Recovery began by rebuilding his immune system. But just doing the NIDS protocol without any intensive rehabilitation wouldn’t have been enough. Years of behavioral and educational interventions were also necessary to correct Ryan’s deficits in speech and social skills.
NIDS Staff Writer (2019) NIDS Staff Writer (2019) tells us that The Goldberg Approach is treating both the ‘disease’ and ‘dysregulation’ behind the autism. Saying that the safest and best way to fix the ‘dysregulation’ is to have the body correct the imbalance within its own complex mechanisms.
Treating the abnormalities found in medical history and physical exams. The neuro-immune system and its interaction with the endocrine system is incredibly complex.
Attempting to adjust a single part of the system that is not normal can trigger negative consequences in another part of the system.
When NIDS is successful, the indicators were said to be positive changes in cognitive functions, overall alertness, eye brightness, and alleviation of persistent fatigue; along with dark circles under the eyes. Over time, they claim that there will also be a reduction of symptoms commonly associated with autism.
McAllister (2017) article states that more recent research highlights the increasing interest, in the field of ‘immune dysregulation’ as it relates to ASD. They say that research in this new area of ‘neuroimmunology’, provides real hope for new therapies. In the future, this could prevent or correct immune dysregulation in ASD.
Vojdani & Lambert (2012) conclude that for people on the spectrum suffering from immune dysregulation and neuroinflamation, saying this – “Scientists have not yet uncovered all of the human body’s secrets. But they have brought to light many important concepts that can assist us in bettering the lives of persons affected by autism spectrum disorders.” “Many biomarkers have been studied and established to help pinpoint effective tailored treatment protocols, for persons on the spectrum. Armed with biological knowledge and tenacity, more people are living well-rounded, healthy lives’; and parents are reconnecting with their children who were once lost to autism.”
< My Thoughts > **Remember… As well as creating a practice or program, the principal must meet all qualifying professional standards, certification, and licensing. It’s up to you to find out if they do.
Warber (2020) wants to talk about what are the newest biomedical therapies which focus on treating imbalances in the body which she feels contributes to autism symptoms. These are methods which work on body imbalances such as GI issues, food allergies, hormone imbalances, and metabolic disturbances. This community, she relates, believes that children with autism can be helped when treated with an individual plan according to environmental insults. This covers possible viral infections, toxic metal exposure, and childhood vaccine reactions.
REFERENCES: UNIT 7-8 CAMS, Section 8; PART 5 –
9. hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 10. immunoglobulin infusions
Bent, S., Bertoglio, K., et al. 2012). Brief Report: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Trial; Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders; V42, p1127-1132.
DelGiudice-Asch, G., Suimon, L., et al. (1999). Brief Report: A Pilot Open Clinical Trial of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Childhood Autism; Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders; V29:2.
Fallows, A. (2014). Can Autism Be Treated Successfully with Homoeopathic Medicine?; Journal of the Australian Traditional–Medicine Society; V20:2, p120-123.
Hinds, M. (2014). I Know You’re In There: Winning Our War Against Autism; eBook Edition.
McAllister, K. (2017). Immune Research Advances Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder; A Biological Psychiatry Journal, Special Issue;2/21/2017.
NCCIH Staff Writer (2020). Health & Homeopathy; Retrieved online from – https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/
NIDS Staff Writer (2019). NIDS Protocol: The Goldberg Approach; Retrieved online from – www.nids.net/
Rossignol, D., & Frye, R. (2012). A review of research trends in physiological abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder: Immune dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction & environmental toxicant exposures; Molecular Psychiatry; V17:4, p389-401.
Thom, R., Keary, C. et al. (2019). Beyond the brain: A multisystem inflammatory subtype of autism spectrum disorder; Psychopharmacology; V236, p3045-3061.
Vojdani, A., & Lambert, J. (2012). A Gut Feeling for Immune Dysregulation and Neuroinflammation; Biomedical Journal; Issue 31.
Warber, A. (2020). The Newest Biomedical Treatment for Autism; Retrieved online from – https://autism.lovetoknow.com/autism-treatments/newest-biomedical-treatments-autism/
WebMD Reviewer, Ratini, M. (2019). What Is Homeopathy: What You Need to Know; Retrieved online from – https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-homeopathy/
DISCLAIMER (2024) Know Autism – Know Your Child: with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker; 2024
Just to let you know that I, Sara Hayden Luker, have put forth my best efforts in presenting what I have learned about autism, by sharing the stories and studies of those who have gone before us. Any author’s mention of products, services, treatments, and interventions or actions are not to be considered an endorsement, thereof. Know that to some, autism is an ‘unregulated business’. The content of this website material, digital or in any other form does not represent medical advice; nor does it constitute medical suggestions in any way. The material, including any downloadable parts, is for informational and/or educational purposes only. Your download and/or use of any of this material indicates your acceptance of this disclaimer.
This is a Personal Use Electronic Download. By downloading, you hereby agree and acknowledge that you are not acquiring any right, title or interest in, or to, the material; nor any associated copyrights, other than the right to possess, hold and use for personal, non-commercial purposes. Furthermore, you agree that you will: (i) not scan, copy, duplicate, distribute or otherwise reproduce the material(s) to resell, (ii) not use the material(s) for any commercial purposes. By purchasing/downloading you agree to these terms unconditionally. No ‘rights’ are given or transferred.
Website https://www.usa.gov/federal-agencies/food-and-drug-administration provides a full manufacture list, with brand information and indicators for which conditions Immunoglobulin Infusion Therapy is used. The condition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) did NOT appear on the list.
According to DelGiudice-Asch, et al. (1999) ‘immunoglobulin’
is the part of your blood’s plasma which has antibodies to fight germs or disease. It has been used to treat multiple sclerosis and recurrent epilepsy. Because the ASD disorder shares features of autoimmune disease, it has been hypothesized that it could work for Autism.
In a 1996 study, 10 Autistic children received 6 months of immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment and a marked improvement in communication and autistic behaviors was reported. However, in another 6-month trial of IVIG, NO changes in the subject’s educational or medical treatment were seen. Authors say that since autism is a lifelong disorder, further systematic research on all therapeutic interventions is needed.
< My Thoughts > “…immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment…”
An immunoglobulin test is said to show whether or not there is a problem with the immune system. Homeopathic care practitioners are among the clinicians who prescribe IVIG treatments and have claims of boosting the immune system through their various treatments. However, these are NOT usually recommended for pediatric patients, and may cause dangerous side-effects for which the young patient is unaware.
Fallows (2014) said that she had just finished reading a book on treating Autism Spectrum Disorder, when a three-year-old-boy with autism was presented at her Homeopathic clinic.
Martin’s mother Kate, asked if we could treat her son’s overall wellbeing with homoeopathic medicine. “He is extremely sensitive to noise. He’s had a runny nose for two months, and several rounds of antibiotics,” his mom said. Martin sat in her lap, his eyes rolling upward. Flapping his hands and tilting his head to one side, he didn’t speak, but seemed cranky when emitting irritable murmuring, and grunting sounds.
Armed with enthusiasm, insight and encouragement from my recent reading, we began homoeopathic treatment at our clinic. Although, still in progress, our management has greatly improved his muscle strength, and there have been reductions in his repetitive and ritualistic behaviors.
WebMD Reviewer Ratini (2019) wants you to know that homeopathic medicines can contain large amounts of heavy metals; which can be dangerous.
Homeopathy is a medical system based on the belief that the body can cure itself. Those who practice this use tiny amounts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. They believe these elements stimulate the healing process.
NCCIH Staff Writer (2020) states that there is no uniform prescribing standard for homeopathic practitioners. Saying that there are hundreds of different homeopathic remedies, which can be prescribed in a variety of different dilutions for thousands of symptom types.
Thom, et al. (2019) tell us that immune dysregulation is shared with mechanisms that drive both the behavioral and physical illnesses associated with autism. Currently there are NO studies proving a connection between immune dysregulation and disorders of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Such as the prevalence of ear infections, respiratory disorders, gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and their connection with anxiety and sensory over-responsivity, chronic constipation and/or diarrhea. These negative results are often underreported, due to the child’s difficulty with expressive language. Immune dysregulation is usually treated with medications for the individual symptoms. There is NO evidence of any treatment which reduces the progression of a disease, NOR improves overall health or quality of life.
< My Thoughts > “…progression of a disease…”
Autism is NOT considered to be a ‘disease’, but a debilitating condition.
Rossignol & Frye (2012) reviewed the abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder, such as Immune dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction & environmental toxicant exposures. They found that although there has been a strong interest in this area, it may be an overestimation of this association between immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment and an improvement in autism symptoms.
They also reviewed trends in physiological abnormalities, potentially related to ASD. These Bacteriotherapy & Immune Dysregulation trends were –
- immune dysregulation/inflammation (body’s response to infection or environmental hazards)
- oxidative stress (body cannot detoxify readily)
- mitochondrial dysfunction (energy powerhouse of body cells not producing energy)
- environmental toxicant exposures (exposure to lead, mercury, arsenic & other toxicants during the infant’s neurodevelopment)
Authors claim that the information in the study, may be bias in this area, and could have led to overestimation of this association. But they also believe that it may provide insight into processes contributing to ASD and other psychiatric disorders.
Hinds (2014) asks – How harmful would it be to make an appointment to see someone known in ‘autism’ circles as miracle worker? That call to Dr. Goldberg’s office changed Ryan’s life forever. Also, luck and timing were very much a part of our son’s recovery.
Doctor Goldberg told us on that first visit what I already knew to be true. Ryan didn’t really have autism, even though it sure looked like it. I didn’t understand what Neuro-Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (NIDS) meant back then. I didn’t care. I had HOPE! My kid was sick and there was hope that he could get better. Finally, I found someone who not only wanted to help Ryan, but also had a way to do it. And he didn’t think I was crazy – at least not yet.
It was the NIDS approach combined with intensive rehabilitation that helped my son recover from autism. Recovery began by rebuilding his immune system. But just doing the NIDS protocol without any intensive rehabilitation wouldn’t have been enough. Years of behavioral and educational interventions were also necessary to correct Ryan’s deficits in speech and social skills.
NIDS Staff Writer (2019) NIDS Staff Writer (2019) tells us that The Goldberg Approach is treating both the ‘disease’ and ‘dysregulation’ behind the autism. Saying that the safest and best way to fix the ‘dysregulation’ is to have the body correct the imbalance within its own complex mechanisms.
Treating the abnormalities found in medical history and physical exams. The neuro-immune system and its interaction with the endocrine system is incredibly complex.
Attempting to adjust a single part of the system that is not normal can trigger negative consequences in another part of the system.
When NIDS is successful, the indicators were said to be positive changes in cognitive functions, overall alertness, eye brightness, and alleviation of persistent fatigue; along with dark circles under the eyes. Over time, they claim that there will also be a reduction of symptoms commonly associated with autism.
McAllister (2017) article states that more recent research highlights the increasing interest, in the field of ‘immune dysregulation’ as it relates to ASD. They say that research in this new area of ‘neuroimmunology’, provides real hope for new therapies. In the future, this could prevent or correct immune dysregulation in ASD.
Vojdani & Lambert (2012) conclude that for people on the spectrum suffering from immune dysregulation and neuroinflamation, saying this – “Scientists have not yet uncovered all of the human body’s secrets. But they have brought to light many important concepts that can assist us in bettering the lives of persons affected by autism spectrum disorders.” “Many biomarkers have been studied and established to help pinpoint effective tailored treatment protocols, for persons on the spectrum. Armed with biological knowledge and tenacity, more people are living well-rounded, healthy lives’; and parents are reconnecting with their children who were once lost to autism.”
< My Thoughts > **Remember… As well as creating a practice or program, the principal must meet all qualifying professional standards, certification, and licensing. It’s up to you to find out if they do.
Warber (2020) wants to talk about what are the newest biomedical therapies which focus on treating imbalances in the body which she feels contributes to autism symptoms. These are methods which work on body imbalances such as GI issues, food allergies, hormone imbalances, and metabolic disturbances. This community, she relates, believes that children with autism can be helped when treated with an individual plan according to environmental insults. This covers possible viral infections, toxic metal exposure, and childhood vaccine reactions.
REFERENCES: UNIT 7-8 CAMS, Section 8; PART 5 –
9. hyperbaric oxygen therapy, 10. immunoglobulin infusions
Bent, S., Bertoglio, K., et al. 2012). Brief Report: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Trial; Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders; V42, p1127-1132.
DelGiudice-Asch, G., Suimon, L., et al. (1999). Brief Report: A Pilot Open Clinical Trial of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Childhood Autism; Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders; V29:2.
Fallows, A. (2014). Can Autism Be Treated Successfully with Homoeopathic Medicine?; Journal of the Australian Traditional–Medicine Society; V20:2, p120-123.
Hinds, M. (2014). I Know You’re In There: Winning Our War Against Autism; eBook Edition.
McAllister, K. (2017). Immune Research Advances Understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder; A Biological Psychiatry Journal, Special Issue;2/21/2017.
NCCIH Staff Writer (2020). Health & Homeopathy; Retrieved online from – https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/homeopathy/
NIDS Staff Writer (2019). NIDS Protocol: The Goldberg Approach; Retrieved online from – www.nids.net/
Rossignol, D., & Frye, R. (2012). A review of research trends in physiological abnormalities in autism spectrum disorder: Immune dysregulation, inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction & environmental toxicant exposures; Molecular Psychiatry; V17:4, p389-401.
Thom, R., Keary, C. et al. (2019). Beyond the brain: A multisystem inflammatory subtype of autism spectrum disorder; Psychopharmacology; V236, p3045-3061.
Vojdani, A., & Lambert, J. (2012). A Gut Feeling for Immune Dysregulation and Neuroinflammation; Biomedical Journal; Issue 31.
Warber, A. (2020). The Newest Biomedical Treatment for Autism; Retrieved online from – https://autism.lovetoknow.com/autism-treatments/newest-biomedical-treatments-autism/
WebMD Reviewer, Ratini, M. (2019). What Is Homeopathy: What You Need to Know; Retrieved online from – https://www.webmd.com/balance/what-is-homeopathy/
DISCLAIMER (2024) Know Autism – Know Your Child: with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker; 2024
Just to let you know that I, Sara Hayden Luker, have put forth my best efforts in presenting what I have learned about autism, by sharing the stories and studies of those who have gone before us. Any author’s mention of products, services, treatments, and interventions or actions are not to be considered an endorsement, thereof. Know that to some, autism is an ‘unregulated business’. The content of this website material, digital or in any other form does not represent medical advice; nor does it constitute medical suggestions in any way. The material, including any downloadable parts, is for informational and/or educational purposes only. Your download and/or use of any of this material indicates your acceptance of this disclaimer.
This is a Personal Use Electronic Download. By downloading, you hereby agree and acknowledge that you are not acquiring any right, title or interest in, or to, the material; nor any associated copyrights, other than the right to possess, hold and use for personal, non-commercial purposes. Furthermore, you agree that you will: (i) not scan, copy, duplicate, distribute or otherwise reproduce the material(s) to resell, (ii) not use the material(s) for any commercial purposes. By purchasing/downloading you agree to these terms unconditionally. No ‘rights’ are given or transferred.