On this day, we have named women who have been chosen, challenged, and committed to making a difference. My choice is a woman who has helped us to better understand Autism, Dr. Temple Grandin.
"Being touched triggered flight, it flipped my circuit breaker. I was overloaded and would have to escape, often by jerking away suddenly (from Temple Grandin, Thinking in Pictures).”
I invite you to watch her on –
Temple Grandin TED Talk YouTube
And, read her thoughts about how adults with autism can choose the perfect career –
Temple Grandin inspirations –
- "Autism is part of who I am."
- "I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a good teacher."
- "The most important thing people did for me was to expose me to new things."
- "I'm a visual thinker, not a language-based thinker. My brain is like Google Images."
- "My mind works like Google for images. You put in a key word; it brings up pictures."
- “The world needs all types of minds.”
More about Dr. Grandin, and her references for finding the right career, in #Adult Autism, along with < My Thoughts >.