Before looking for a treatment or educational program, prioritize your child’s ‘needs’ and prioritize your ‘wants’.
In other words…
What are the most concerning
or harmful things going on
right now in your child’s world?
Guard against becoming convinced that a program is going to ‘fix’ your child’s autism.
< My Thoughts > “…finding the ‘right one’…”
The goal is finding the right ‘intervention’, regardless of what it’s called – treatments aka services, aka programs, aka therapies, aka interventions. Again, prioritizing your wants and needs, and your child’s wants and needs are a necessary ‘first’. Try asking for a ‘trial period’.
Will your child use the ‘learned’ skills outside the ‘program’ setting?
Will the learned skills improve the quality of his or her life?
Will the program give be followed with fidelity & continuity?
Will gains be made, maintained, followed-up, & modified as needed?
Will the program be aligned with your child’s
- Symptom constellation
- Symptom severity
- Developmental age
Will the program improve the family interactions?
Will the program accept assessment done by other programs or agencies?
Will the program consider outside help needed for your child’s anxiety and/or lack of motivation.
Will the program allow parents to ‘identify & verify’ program claims?
Even if your child hasn’t been diagnosed yet, s/he may be eligible for Early Intervention Services. The IDEA Law says that children under the age of 3 years old who are at-risk for having developmental delays may be eligible for services.