Someone I’m With Has Autism by Carrie Cariello & Jordan Capell, eBook 2015 Edition; an Extended Review with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(7% indicates location in the Kindle version of the book, instead of page numbers.)
Focused Excerpts from the book –
7% One big development stands out above the others: the kids know about Jack’s autism. And Jack knows about Jack’s autism. In some ways this has redefined the dynamics of our family.
We love autism. But Jack? As you’ll read, he’s not as impressed with autism as the rest of us are.
8% Jack himself is just learning about his own diagnosis, a discovery that has been both painful and astonishing to him.
“Oh no!” Jack shrieked from where he was standing at the kitchen sink. I rushed over and saw one of Joe’s dark blue mugs, now missing its curved handle, broken when Jack had tried to rinse the hot chocolate out of it.
“I broke it, I broke it, I BROKE IT! I broke Daddy’s mug,” he yelled, holding his hands on his ears.
I didn’t know what all of the fuss was about. We have something like nine hundred and ten of these cobalt blue mugs, each emblazoned with the name of Joe’s dental practice, and frankly I’d like to break a few more so I’d have an excuse to by the white ones I’ve been eyeing at Pottery Barn.
9% I promised that his father would absolutely not be upset, then tried to soothe him by pointing to the rest of our mugs in the cabinet – and on the counter (and in the garage).
“But he LOVES them all!” he whimpered.
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