Creating a person’s (child, student, adolescent, adult) Sensory Profile may be necessary in order to better understand their behavioral disorders and how that relates to their sensory issues… such as being over-sensitive, under-sensitive, passive, and/or balanced. Persons may become less or more extremely sensitive over time, as a result of many of their experiences and/or interactions; or how they discriminate and regulate incoming sensory information. (3 bears… just right).
Mays, et al. (2011) begins with an example of a completed ‘Teacher Observation’ form used to begin a case study.
The example gives the student’s name, the observer’s name, and the date and time length of the observation.
There are 7 choices which the observer may circle to indicate the ‘sensory system(s)’ involved in the behavior they observed at that time. The Sensory Systems are:
- Vestibular (sense of movement)
- Proprioceptive (spatial body awareness)
- Visual (sight)
- Tactile (touch)
- Auditory (hearing)
- Gustatory (taste)
- Olfactory (smell)
Next, the observer rates the intensity of the behavior. Rating on a scale of 1 = not intense, to 5 = very intense.
The part (s) of the body involved are noted.
The number of these behaviors, per minute, are recorded.
The duration time the person is engaged in stereotypy is recorded.
Then, whether or not the person completed the assignment/participated in an activity, during observation time. YES or NO.
There is a place for the observer to include any NOTES for review.
Student: Bobby S.
Date: 01-12-2012 Observer: Teacher
Behavior: bouncing
Observation began: 9:00 am ended: 9:30 am
Sensory system involved(circle):
- Vestibular (movement)
- Proprioceptive (pressure)
- Visual
- Tactile
- Auditory
- Gustatory (taste)
- Olfactory (smell)
Description of behavior: While sitting in a chair or on the floor, Bobby’s torso bounces up & down, repeatedly, with his bottom leaving & returning to the chair/floor.
Intensity (Rate on a scale of 1 = not intense, to 5 = very intense.) 5 Bobby bounces up & down hard enough that the legs of the chair sometimes come off the floor.
Body part: The part (s) of the body involved are noted. Mostly torso, but his whole body moves.
Number of behaviors: The number of these behaviors, per minute, are recorded. Counted 3 different 1 minute intervals –
30 per min. /33 per min. /27 per min.
Activity & time duration:The duration time the person is engaged in stereotypy is recorded. Bounced 24 of the 30 min. during Circle Time activity.
Activity or task completed? Did the person complete the assignment/participated in an activity, during observation time? YES or NO.
Notes: N/A
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