Hello, My Name is Max and I Have Autism by Max Miller, eBook 2014; an Extended Review with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(45% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
45% I want to be a voice for every single child who has autism and who cannot speak. The kids who can’t speak are just like me. We are not like everyone else.
We can’t see other people’s feelings or do well in school or pay attention. Just because we can’t be like everyone else doesn’t mean we don’t matter. We do matter.
53% My anger bubbles up. This is the blue – my frustration with the drama in my classroom. I have to read and write and listen all at the same time.
I feel upset sometimes in the classroom. My stomach hurts and I want to go home. I feel overwhelmed and small. I just want to shrink down and vanish.
I sit by myself because I don’t want to be near anyone. My friends might think I’m claustrophobic but I’m just irritated when I have to be around others, especially when I have to concentrate.
All we need is a little compassion. I am not autism. I am ME!
(45% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
45% I want to be a voice for every single child who has autism and who cannot speak. The kids who can’t speak are just like me. We are not like everyone else.
We can’t see other people’s feelings or do well in school or pay attention. Just because we can’t be like everyone else doesn’t mean we don’t matter. We do matter.
53% My anger bubbles up. This is the blue – my frustration with the drama in my classroom. I have to read and write and listen all at the same time.
I feel upset sometimes in the classroom. My stomach hurts and I want to go home. I feel overwhelmed and small. I just want to shrink down and vanish.
I sit by myself because I don’t want to be near anyone. My friends might think I’m claustrophobic but I’m just irritated when I have to be around others, especially when I have to concentrate.
All we need is a little compassion. I am not autism. I am ME!