Miracles are Made: A Real-Life Guide to Autism by Lynette Louise, eBook 2011; with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(4% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
4% Diagnosis without directions: this is what it is to be told your child has autism. It is my intention to help you understand why that is and then to change that reality by teaching you what to do to improve the prognosis.
5% I will introduce you to the boy who introduced me to autism… it was attempting to understand Dar that taught me to understand autism. I spent all my exhausted mommy hours wishing I could fix him (and eventually his brothers as well) with a pill or a diet or a magical potion. Inevitably I was to discover that I was in good company – most of the amazing parents I’ve worked with did the same.
< My Thoughts > “…wishing I could fix him.”
The word “fix” is offensive to many… but it is not an uncommon ‘first responder’ reaction. Especially for parents who are blessed with high ‘problem solving’ skills. Perhaps rather than hearing the words “fix” they would prefer to hear the words…“making a difference”.
(4% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
4% Diagnosis without directions: this is what it is to be told your child has autism. It is my intention to help you understand why that is and then to change that reality by teaching you what to do to improve the prognosis.
5% I will introduce you to the boy who introduced me to autism… it was attempting to understand Dar that taught me to understand autism. I spent all my exhausted mommy hours wishing I could fix him (and eventually his brothers as well) with a pill or a diet or a magical potion. Inevitably I was to discover that I was in good company – most of the amazing parents I’ve worked with did the same.
< My Thoughts > “…wishing I could fix him.”
The word “fix” is offensive to many… but it is not an uncommon ‘first responder’ reaction. Especially for parents who are blessed with high ‘problem solving’ skills. Perhaps rather than hearing the words “fix” they would prefer to hear the words…“making a difference”.
Just so you know... Lynette Louise's daughter Tsara Shelton has also written a book; Spinning in Circles. Both Extended Reviews with < My Thoughts >can be found on my website Navigation Menu. Smiles.