Ido in Autismland: Climbing Out of Autism by Ido Kedar, eBook 2012; with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(8% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
8% Until he was seven, Ido had no means to show anyone that he was intellectually intact. His teachers and myriad experts assumed, based on his difficulty following directions, lack of speech and odd behaviors, that his intellect and knowledge matched his actions.
14% Every parent of an autistic child knows that once your child is diagnosed you have to become an expert very quickly.
27% Many times Ido reacted emotionally to the topic. Sometimes he hopped up, flapped his hands, or paced the room, but he always came back to complete his essay.
It was emotionally difficult for him to revisit the pain and frustration of his early years when he felt so trapped and terrified that his true intelligence might never be discovered.
(8% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
8% Until he was seven, Ido had no means to show anyone that he was intellectually intact. His teachers and myriad experts assumed, based on his difficulty following directions, lack of speech and odd behaviors, that his intellect and knowledge matched his actions.
14% Every parent of an autistic child knows that once your child is diagnosed you have to become an expert very quickly.
27% Many times Ido reacted emotionally to the topic. Sometimes he hopped up, flapped his hands, or paced the room, but he always came back to complete his essay.
It was emotionally difficult for him to revisit the pain and frustration of his early years when he felt so trapped and terrified that his true intelligence might never be discovered.