A Real Boy: How Autism Shattered our Lives & Made a Family from the Pieces by Christopher Stevens & Nicola Stevens, e-Book 2011 Edition; Extended Review with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker+
(7% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
7% The question everyone asks is, ‘When did you first know?’ We usually say that we knew something was badly wrong before David was two years old.
8% When David wasn’t howling, he was adorable. The first time we dared face the idea that there might be something wrong with him – something trivial, something easily righted – he was sixteen months old.
The whole street was painfully aware that David had suffered a series of ear infections. The screams that signaled physical pain were even more piercing, even more relentless, than his usual howls of protest at the injustice of existence.
(7% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
7% The question everyone asks is, ‘When did you first know?’ We usually say that we knew something was badly wrong before David was two years old.
8% When David wasn’t howling, he was adorable. The first time we dared face the idea that there might be something wrong with him – something trivial, something easily righted – he was sixteen months old.
The whole street was painfully aware that David had suffered a series of ear infections. The screams that signaled physical pain were even more piercing, even more relentless, than his usual howls of protest at the injustice of existence.