Autism by Hand by Lorca Damon, eBook 2011 Edition; an Extended Review with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(1% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
1% It wasn’t until a different doctor voiced his concerns that I really began to wonder.
Over the next several months we saw professional after specialist after expert until finally we were given a final diagnosis: Carrie was somewhere on the autism spectrum and none of the specialists we saw seemed to think she was anywhere close to the high-functioning end of the arc.
Like most parents in my situation, I dove in head first in trying to find out everything I could about autism and how it was going to affect my child.
(1% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
1% It wasn’t until a different doctor voiced his concerns that I really began to wonder.
Over the next several months we saw professional after specialist after expert until finally we were given a final diagnosis: Carrie was somewhere on the autism spectrum and none of the specialists we saw seemed to think she was anywhere close to the high-functioning end of the arc.
Like most parents in my situation, I dove in head first in trying to find out everything I could about autism and how it was going to affect my child.