Autism: Why I Love Kids with Autism by Doris Duan-Young, eBook 2014; an Extended Review with < My Thoughts > by Sara Luker
(13% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
13% When my son Norden was four years old he began to exhibit some concerning behaviors. I was worried. Even with all my experience I went through all the stages of uncertainty, denial, and worry that I had seen other mothers go through.
Norden’s situation wasn’t extreme, but it was concerning.
My entire professional life has been immersed in learning how to help kids, and how to help their parents. That’s what “behavior analysts” do. At the simplest level we analyze behavior and create a plan to create new behaviors. At the deepest level we become part of the family.
(13% indicates the eReader book location, instead of page reference numbers).
13% When my son Norden was four years old he began to exhibit some concerning behaviors. I was worried. Even with all my experience I went through all the stages of uncertainty, denial, and worry that I had seen other mothers go through.
Norden’s situation wasn’t extreme, but it was concerning.
My entire professional life has been immersed in learning how to help kids, and how to help their parents. That’s what “behavior analysts” do. At the simplest level we analyze behavior and create a plan to create new behaviors. At the deepest level we become part of the family.